All animals and plants in our tanks also live in the salty Skagerrak and Kattegat Seas outside Havets Hus. Some are so colorful you would think that they live far south in tropical waters, such as cuckoo wrasse and the red sea cucumber. Others are unique and very difficult to spot in the wild, as the endangered species lesser spotted dogfish, European eel and thornback ray.
More than 100 fascinating species live at Havets Hus – from murmuring longspined bullheads to Dead man’s finger.
Species at Havets Hus
English |
Latin |
Ballan wrasse | Labrus bergylta |
Lemon sole | Microstomus kitt |
Painted goby | Pomatoschistus pictus |
Topknot | Zeugopterus punctatus |
Blind Mud-shrimp | Calocaris macandreae |
Blue Jellyfish | Cyanea lamarckii |
Cuckoo wrasse | Labrus bimaculatus |
Blue mussel | Mytilus edulis |
Jellyfish | Cyanea capillata |
Cup coral | Caryophyllia smithii |
Dead man’s fingers | Alcyonium digitatum |
Hermit crab | Euphagurus bernhardus |
Tub gurnard | Chelidonichthys lucernus |
Greater weever | Trachinus draco |
Saithe | Pollachius virens |
Rock cook | Centrolabrus exoletus |
Sealoch anemone | Protantea simplex |
Catfish/wolffish | Anarhichas lupus |
Norway lobster | Nephrops norvegicus |
Plumose anemone | Metridium senile |
Sea lamprey | Petromyzon marinus |
Barnacles percebes | Semibalanus balanoides |
Conger eel | Conger conger |
Trout | Salmo trutta |
Common Cockle | Cerastoderma edule |
Garfish | Belone belone |
Common lobster | Homarus gammarus |
Feather star | Antedon bifida |
Halibut | Hippoglossus hippoglossus |
Horse mussel | Modiolus modiolus |
Rigid cushion star | Hippasterias phrygiana |
Spiny starfish | Marthasterias glacialis |
Ocean quahaug | Arctica islandica ( = Cyprina islandica) |
Sand star | Astropecten irregularis |
Class bristleworms | Polychaeta |
Moss animals | Bryozoa |
Sponges | Porifera |
Starry skate | Raja radiata |
Thornback ray/Roker | Raja clavata |
Grey gurnad | Eutrigla gurnardus |
Haddock | Melanogrammus aeglefinus |
Edible crab | Cancer pagurus |
Red cushion star | Porania pulvillus |
Burrowing brittlestar | Amphiura sp. |
American plaice | Hippoglossoides platessoides |
Common goby | Pomatoschistus microps |
European pollack | Pollachius pollachius |
Ling | Molva molva |
Long-spined urchin | Echinus acutus |
Atlantic mackerel | Scomber scombrus |
Risso’s crab | Xantho pilipes |
Angler | Lophius piscatorius |
Great spider crab | Hyas araneus |
Straight-nosed pipefish | Nerophis ophidion |
Lesser pipefish | Syngnathus rostellatus |
Striped red mullet | Mullus surmuletus |
Red whelk | Neptunea antiqua |
Northern shrimp/Northern longbeak | Pandalus borealis |
Netted Dogwhelk | Hinia nitida |
Long-spined sea-scorpion | Taurulus bubalis |
Native oyster | Ostria edulis |
Tadpole fish | Raniceps raninus |
Pelican’s foot shell | Aporrhais pespelecani |
Picked dogfish | Squalus acanthias |
Turbot | Psetta maxima |
Myxine glutinosa | |
Dragonet | Callionymus lyra |
Northern sea fan | Stenogorgia rosea (=Swiftia rosea) |
Deep-sea red crab | Geryon trispinosus |
Red sea cucumber | Parastichopus tremulus |
Plaice | Pleuronectes platessa |
Witch flounder | Glyptocephalus cynogglossus |
Father lasher | Myxocephalus scorpius |
Sand shrimp | Crangon crangon |
Dab | Limanda limanda |
Sand goby | Pomatoschistus minutus |
Herring | Clupea harengus |
Swimming crab | Portunus deporator (= Liocarcinus deporator) |
Lump sucker | Cyclopterus lumpus |
Two-spotted goby | Gobiusculus flavescens |
Sea potato | Echinocardium cordatum |
Sea pen | Pennatula phosphorea |
Northern red anemone | Taelia felina (= Urticina felina) |
Sprat | Sprattus sprattus |
Flounder | Platichthys flesus |
Hooknose | Agonus cataphactus |
Fourbearded rockling | Rhinonemus cimbrius |
Corkwing wrasse | Symphodus melops |
Brill | Scophthalmus rhombus |
Lesser spotted dogfish | Scylliorhinus canicula |
Ninespine stickleback | Pungitius pungitius |
Common sunstar | Solaster papposus (= Crossaster papposus) |
Long-legged spider crab | Macropodia rostrata |
Keel worm | Spirobis spirobis |
Goldsinny | Ctenolabrus rupestris |
Cylinder anemone | Cerianthus lloydi |
Great scallop | Pecten maximus |
Large sea fan | Funicullina quadrangularis |
Threespine stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus |
Shore crab/European green crab | Carcinus maenas |
Common periwinkle | Littorina littorea |
Snake pipefish | Entelurus aequoreus |
Greater pipefish | Syngnathus acus |
Black brittlestar | Ophiocomina nigra |
Black goby | Gobius niger |
Horse mackerell | Trachurus trachurus |
Sea squirt | Ciona intestinalis |
Butterfish | Pholis gunellus |
Common cuttlefish | Sepia officinalis |
Cod | Gadus morhua |
Tubeworm | Pomatoceros triqueter |
Squat lobster | Galathea strigosa |
Northern stone crab | Lithodes maja |
Sole | Solea solea |
Green sea urchin | Psammechinus miliaris |
Eel pout | Zoarces viviparus |
Palaemonid shrimp | Leander squilla (= Palaemon elegans) |
Broad-nosed pipefish | Syngnathus typhle |
Spinachia spinachia | |
Common whelk | Buccinum undatum |
Common starfish | Asterias rubens |
Whiting | Merlangius merlangus |
Eel | Anguilla anguilla |
Lesser octopus/Horned octopus | Eledone cirrosa |
Edible sea urchin | Echinus esculentus |
Saucer jelly/ Moon jelly/Common sea jelly | Aurelia aurita |